New York - Is philanthropy really the saving grace of the America super-rich? A tale has been unfolding at the New York Philharmonic's home at the Lincoln Center, the city’s equivalent to London ...
But what if philanthropy does not diminish inequality? What if it increases and further institutionalizes the gap between the rich and the poor? Would we still view philanthropy as being ...
"It doesn't suck to be rich," Cuban wrote in the post. But getting there? That's where most people struggle—because it requires giving things up before you see any reward. Cuban's philosophy is ...
Being rich means different things to different people ... In fact, research suggests that giving to a cause or charity not only helps the recipient, but also rewards the giver in measurable ...
I don’t think you’re ever too rich or famous to get past that ... free stuff as if they couldn’t afford it already... and giving out cannabis to celebs - the new trend, aye!" ...
Becoming rich isn’t easy, especially if you’re ... some want boats, to donate to philanthropy or invest in art," Meister says. "Ultimately, being wealthy is knowing that you can achieve ...
Their giving legacy is almost unparalleled. Through the foundation, the family has provided grants to many Buffalo programs, including universities and colleges, the Buffalo Philharmonic ...