Tubac, a vibrant yet understated artist colony near the Mexican border, has quietly drawn artists like Raye, offering both escape and inspiration. For her, Tubac and the surrounding desert embody ...
There are only four known versions of "The Age of Maturity" by Camille Claudel, the other three belong to French museums.
Toronto-based artist Dennis Lin uses recycled and found material to create mesmerizing art pieces. His latest installation is ...
A new Detroit holiday tradition will debut next week, and it’s bigger than life. During this year’s edition of the Brightmoor ...
Hayley Boore, a senior at South Carroll High School, won the grand prize in the Maryland Department of the Environment’s 23rd ...
Troy Simmons' SPORE, a new biomorphic sculpture being exhibited for Miami Art Week, encourages people to consider their own ...
State Police have released a photo of five people who they say could have information about a brush fire that burned 40 acres ...
South African sculptor Marco Olivier is sending an environmental message with his Miami Art Week debut. State of play: ...
Thousands of giant panda sculptures will greet residents and tourists starting on Saturday in Hong Kong, where enthusiasm for ...
The design of six of the sculptures, made of recycled rubber barrels and resins among other materials, was inspired by these ...