We know, you’ve already got a USB to serial adapter ... With the ability to be directly plugged into a RS-232 port, this adapter will certainly catch the eye of retrocomputer enthusiasts.
We know, you’ve already got a USB to serial adapter. Probably several of them, in fact. But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t use one more — especially when it’s as as ...
The I/O options on the XH610G2 further enhance its flexibility, with four USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports, two Ethernet ports, one supporting 1GbE and another 2.5GbE, and an optional RS232 COM port offering ...
In addition to the previously mentioned extra expansion slots (11 in total), the Alta D1 provides, in its stock configuration ...
The dual HDMI and VGA ports allow you to add up to three external monitors. Enjoy quick data transfers with the high-speed ...
The USB ports on your computer's monitor are convenient, and they function in much the same way as the USB ports on your ...
If you’re going to be regularly charging more than one device at a time, buy an adapter with at least two ports—some have as many as four ports. You can even get a mix of USB-C and USB-A ...
Unlike the iPhone, Apple ships a USB-C power adapter with all its MacBooks: Air and Pro. Unless your laptop stays in the same place all of the time, having a spare or a specific travel MacBook ...
For example, it's an affordable way to add newer Wi-Fi technology, such as Wi-Fi 6, without any costly upgrades - all you need to do is plug in an adapter. Using a USB extension cable can also ...
USB-C is set to become the standard connector for devices from mobile phones to heated pillows, but what is it, and why is it ...
Whether a mobile device supports USB-C Power Delivery is usually stated in the technical data for the connections. If so, you can use a suitable power adapter for charging. Devices can also be ...
If your mobile phone supports OTG, you will also need an OTG adapter. This is a short cable with a USB plug (usually USB-C) at one end and a USB-A socket for plugging in the USB stick at the other.