The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, located in the top floors of the Asch building in Greenwich Village, was one of many shirtwaist factories operating in Manhattan at the time. This boom in industry ...
All bodies recovered from Triangle Shirtwaist Co. fire NEW YORK, March 26, 1911 (UP) - One hundred and forty one bodies had been taken to the morgue at 12:45 this morning and there had been seven ...
In 1911, a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City killed 146 people, mostly female immigrant workers. The tragedy led to the eventual enactment of many state and national ...
The fire spread quickly. On that Saturday in March of 1911, black smoke billowed out of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory near Washington Square Park in New York City. The panicked workers inside ...
An officer stands at the Asch Building's 9th floor window after the Triangle fire. Sewing machines, drive shafts, and other wreckage of the Triangle factory fire are piled in the center of the ...