Captain Jason Chambers fired Anthony in Season 3, Episode 3 after learning that the confident and “disrespectful” sous chef had secretly accepted another job. “So you can go today, this ...
In February 2024, government veterinarians in the Czech Republic investigating a bird flu outbreak found themselves in the middle of a puzzling case. The highly pathogenic H5N1 virus was ...
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Bird flu is here to stay. The H5N1 avian influenza is proliferating among U.S. cows and there are now two strains circulating among mammals and birds. Though there are only 68 confirmed cases in ...
This bird strategically wears its violet feathers on its neck, head and belly. It’s the national bird of Kenya, thanks to the wide array of colours on its feather coat.
The order from Deara is designed to stop the spread of bird flu. It requires owners of pet birds, commercial flocks, backyard flocks, and hobby flocks to keep their birds indoors or otherwise ...
All bird keepers in Northern Ireland are required to keep their birds indoors from Monday. The order from the Department of Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs (Daera) is designed to stop ...
In a sure sign that spring is not far behind, the first Purple Martins of the year have been spotted in North Carolina. The birds were seen on Feb. 6 in the town of Bladenboro by a Purple Martin ...
In an apology posted on Facebook, one of the students said they took full responsibility for the incident at the “stellar space party”. She said they painted their bodies dark purple and covered ...
The new study of vets found that three of the 150 who signed up to be tested – or 2% – had antibodies against bird flu in their blood. Antibodies indicate that the vets were infected with bird ...