A remarkable historical discovery has been made in the rafters of the former Allen African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- As part of efforts to preserve Black history, a national nonprofit has awarded grants to the Cleveland ...
The Augusta Heritage Center will host an intriguing evening of rhythm and culture when three master Burundian drummers perform at the chapel of Davis & Elkins College tonight. Burundi is a small East ...
An extensive renovation of the 1888 Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church in Cape May is expected to be completed this spring.
Instead of writing a thesis paper, he opted to help establish a successful Presbyterian campus outreach program called Church 4 U for East Stroudsburg Presbyterian Church to help bridge the gap ...
The house of worship they loved, Govans Presbyterian Church, it turned out ... that benefited well-connected whites and disempowered African Americans in ways that still reverberate, including ...
A fire last year wiped out one of two historic churches on a block in Cleveland's Southeast Side. The loss was a wake-up call for a neighborhood where other significant buildings are at risk.
BATAVIA — A Mardi Gras luncheon will be conducted Sunday at the First Presbyterian Church of Batavia. The luncheon will take place 10 a.m. at the church on 300 East Main St. It will celebrate ...