Is GTA 5 Online down or not: What is the Rockstar server status now? A screenshot of the Service Status page on Rockstar's official support website. (Image via Rockstar Games) As of 7:47 pm PT ...
Rockstar announces a new GTA 5 update for PC players that includes PS5 and Xbox Series X features Rockstar Games has announced that a free PC upgrade for Grand Theft Auto 5 will be released in ...
Given how many years it takes to create open worlds of the same caliber as GTA 5, it’s no surprise that Rockstar Games has already spent years developing GTA 6. Rockstar prefers to keep its ...
Un sofer din Cluj s-a plimbat cu masina printre morminte si a distrus un monument funerar ... autobuzul M41 (ruta metropolitana din Cluj-Napoca spre Apahida). El a facut poze cu modul in care raman ...
Pretul energiei a atins un nou record. Platim dublu fata de... Masini electrice sau mai bine zis autovehicule propulsate de un motor electric sunt cele care au dominat transportul pe sosele cu mult ...
GTA Online’s Podium Vehicle is given a fresh update by Rockstar Games every week in the Diamond Casino, but which car is available this week, and how do you guarantee a win on the Lucky Wheel ...
Explore the profound impact of physical work on health and the body at our new major exhibition. We publish thought-provoking books exploring health and human experiences. Our latest titles include ...