That's where physiotherapy steps in to help your body heal naturally and safely. It is based on the treatment methods of exercises, massages, and equipment to reduce pain and help you regain mobility.
All over the country including in Sindh, the future of students completing the five-year Doctor of Physiotherapy (DPT) degree ...
Home treatment entails medical consultation fees, nursing care, medications and diagnostic tests conducted at home, among ...
“Physiotherapy in private hospitals or at home is impossible for us due to financial constraints. That is why I go to the Sindh Government Hospital Liaquatabad. However, the rush of patients ...
A residential care home has been rated as outstanding by The Care Quality Commission (CQC) for the second consecutive time.
A toddler diagnosed with leukaemia was initially sent home from A&E after doctors thought she had the flu ...
Caeden spent weeks in hospital and days in the critical care unit after falling off his bike and landing on his handlebars.
Following a lengthy stay at Hobbs, in residential rehab after a stroke, Downton resident and Salisbury Museum stalwart, Ian 'Dix' Dixon has ...
Do you have room for 'bubbly' Bella who was taken into the care of the RSPCA Suffolk Central in Martlesham on welfare grounds?