Actress Manisha took to Instagram, where she shared a video of herself posing and cuddling Mowgli, a golden cocker spaniel. She also revealed that her four-legged-furry friend has taught her the ...
All eyes are on Emily Robinson, a dog mushing sensation from Nenana, with a twist: She's a teenager and winning big time. Your Alaska Link talks to the teen about ...
Meghan Markle made a sad announcement on Instagram this afternoon: Her beagle Guy, who she adopted in 2015, has passed away. ...
A video of a dog visiting the neighbor's house hopeful for a playdate with her "best friend" broke people's hearts as she received the unfortunate news her bestie was on vacation.
The group met up in Passyunk Square in Philadelphia to give Lou her sendoff. The senior dog looked like the belle of the ball at her goodbye party. It's amazing that so many strangers came to ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. 'I said run for prime minister, you'll win in a — it'll take two seconds,' U.S. president-elect Donald Trump tells ...