This show is produced by Derek Arthur, Sophia Alvarez Boyd, Vishakha Darbha, Phoebe Lett, Kristina Samulewski, and Jillian ...
Ideas flourished over dinners with friends. In this Bethlehem, what started as a cold tent the first year grew into a heated ...
The new exhibit Discovering the World of Jesus Ancient Treasures from the Holy Land, showcasing 350 artifacts from the ...
Especially these days, as we celebrate the holiday of Chanukah and the story of Hasmonean heroism, we are committed to protecting Israel’s archaeological heritage and ensuring that the material ...
Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists eliminated by the IDF. Rebutting false claims that five “journalists” were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces released ...
The answer? Absolutely not. The yellow caps on Coke bottles are actually to tell potential buyers that the soda is kosher just in time for Passover, a religious holiday celebrated by those who ...
For centuries after the Exodus, Jews remembered the Passover by sacrificing a lamb ... And that is, you know, the story of Christ coming to be this pure, part-man, part-God being who would ...
Passover is a celebration of the story of Exodus. During Passover, Jews remember how their ancestors left slavery behind them when they were led out of Egypt by Moses. Passover is celebrated with ...
This Chanukah, there's a whole new way to celebrate! TorahVR just launched the world's first Chanukah virtual reality ...
Mia, having learned from Edie Rose, makes a list and goes around to an interreligious and interracial group of neighbors in ...