Penhaligon's Halfeti retails at £115 for the same amount of perfume. It doesn't have all the exact same notes, with it having more detailed spices in the top notes, Bulgarian rose and jasmine in ...
May be too intensive for those who prefer more subtle scents Chanel No. 5 is perhaps the most famous fragrance of all time. Heavy with may rose and jasmine, it was the first perfume to be layered ...
Of all the beauty products in the world, fragrance is my favorite — especially those containing a strong note of vanilla. Yes, yes, I know. The scent can be at times…well, vanilla; sometimes ...
As a result, I’ve learned what makes a good one. When it comes to fragrance, “good” is subjective and often comes down to a matter of preference of taste. With that in mind, I spoke to a ...
There’s Penhaligon’s ‘Blenheim Bouquet’, formulated for nobility over 100 years ago. And there’s Creed ‘Aventus’; a modern addition to the hall of fragrance fame — but not a drop less potent than its ...
These fragrance brands are redefining clean scents with natural, phthalate-free, and non-toxic perfume ingredients that are better for your body and the planet. Scents are transformative, magical, ...