To criticize the Vatican’s nativity with a now-removed Jesus in a keffiyeh would be to dismiss the artistic history of crèches centering marginalized people.
An open house on Sunday, Dec. 15, at New England Congregational will feature 40 non-Anglo/European Nativity scenes.
Advent is perhaps the most challenging liturgical season for Christians. The secular world has kidnapped this time intended ...
This is the latest in a Saturday series of stories and photographs featuring local holiday traditions. JOHNSTOWN, Pa. – For ...
Mary is sparking debate in the religious community and casting. Here's what to know about criticism from viewers and Biblical ...
In addition to fabulous Finnish art and high style clothes ... markets often run through the first week of January (Three ...
Dozens of Nativity scenes were on display during the Festival of Nativities held Dec. 6 at Trinity Lutheran Church in ...
Karna and Arjuna are two valiant warriors both important characters in the great Hindu epic the Mahabharata These combatants ...