On January 9, Orthodox believers honor the memory of the holy martyr Polyevêtus. He is one of the most revered martyrs in ...
Pagans have many different beliefs. Rider believes in Norse traditions with an emphasis on gods like Odin and Thor. Others ...
It was no easy task as Caesar ended up giving us the longest year in history of 445 days based on the advice of an astronomer. As well as Mercedonius, he added two other months, one of 33 days and ...
This article discusses the final category: federal holidays that are religious in origin but are now seemingly celebrated secularly, with New Year’s Day as an excellent example of that.
In 1192, a Papal bull by Pope Celestine III created the "Ecclesia Scoticana", making the Scottish Church separate from the ...
New Year's Eve was celebrated in ancient times, contrary to what some may believe. It was among the most universal pagan ...
The world celebrates New Year's Eve, the World Peace Hour, Champagne Day, and Decision Day. OBOZ.UA tells about the holidays ...
It may surprise you to know that New Year’s Day celebration has not always been a thing even though it is one of the most ...
Roman Pagan celebrations in December hold major similarities to modern-day Christmas festivities, but how did they come to be?
But even in supposed victory, his gloating found few echoes; the so-called War on Christmas, rather than ending in climactic struggle and triumph, seemed to just fade away from the national discourse.
Only the God of Christmas, the God whose birth as a human being took place on 25 December, can give us the true happiness we ...
Some Christmas traditions mirror pre-Christian festivities, but some pagan influences may have been overstated.