The Triumphant Light SP Emblem Event offers a host of missions, both for participating in battles and for winning them.
With the new wave of core rulebooks out, Wizards of the Coast wants D&D's latest Starter Set to introduce players to even more aspects of the game than usual.
The decks in the “Gible Drop Event” focus on fighting-type cards from Gible’s evolutionary line. The signature cards in the ...
The card comes with a $0 annual fee, offers a path to upgrade to a regular card and earns rewards. You’ll get comprehensive credit reporting, the chance to upgrade ...
Just as the revised set makes it easier to make a character and play, it aims to democratize the role of DM by making that ...
I want to roll around in the new Dungeons and Dragons starter set’s maps, tokens, and power cards like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit.
Unlike with most cards that require a cash security deposit, applicants may be able to qualify for a credit limit larger than their deposit. Flexible security deposit requirements and a $0 annual ...
We're digging into the Yzmir Starter Deck and upgrading it along two different paths. We have a lot more options now since ...
One of the Japanese trading houses that Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway holds has agreed to invest $5.3 billion in an untapped iron-ore project in Western Australia. Mitsui (JP:8031) said it's ...
TCG Live does a similar thing, automatically turning any excess copies you pull into currency. One Reddit commenter suggested “Charity shop mode” as a solution, “Put ‘em in a big pile and anyone on ...