The heartwarming tale of a sparrow lost at sea and the unexpected hero that emerged. Learn how nature can be cruel, yet ...
Students at Horizon Elementary created glow-in-the-dark sea creatures for the school-wide project. The idea is to teach ...
The 3-year-old is “likely to die,” while the 13-year-old is not, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.
Strangers stepped in to save a 20-year-old blind cat who was floating on a piece of ice in the center of a lake.
By one count America spends 150 times more on space exploration than ocean research. Scientists have mapped almost every ...
This year, the animal kingdom was filled with triumph, loss and new discoveries. Here is a look at NPR's top animal stories ...
Firefighters in Connecticut came to the rescue of a runaway dog that jumped into the ocean and started swimming out to sea.