The bill would create an oversight commission for tow companies, set maximum fees, require signage and protect consumers with ...
Today’s round of questions, my smart-aleck replies, and the real answers: Question: When will Congressman Chuck Edwards hold ...
A shark that researchers have been tracking for just a few months has been reported off the North Carolina coast.
The new North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) agency, operated by James Mills, is located at 4891 Long Beach Road ...
Eastern North Carolina barbecue, which Skylight Inn exemplifies, is characterized by whole-hog cooking and a vinegar-based ...
The tray arrives with a mound of finely chopped whole-hog barbecue glistening with its own fat and a subtle sheen of that ...
Every year, thousands of people in the US die from preventable blood loss after traumatic injuries. Blood transfusions at the scene could change that.
The Halifax County Semi-Quincentennial Commission is partnering with Halifax County Business Horizons, Inc. (Halifax Horizons) for the sale of a commemorative license plate in honor of the 250th anniv ...
Mark Koziel is taking the accounting organization’s reins as the industry faces headwinds related to taxes, the PCAOB and CPA ...
This license plate is suggestive of the Hebrew name "Schmuel" -- Samuel in English.  Melanie Rubin spotted it.  The driver ...
An accused vehicle thief in Huntersville, North Carolina, allegedly deployed several, er, half-brained tactics to avoid ...