A Bipolar Journey,” is a 20-minute documentary that chronicles the often-strained love between two brothers – both confronted ...
Community organizers say there are resources available to help people deal with anxieties and fears, including a directory of ...
Risk factors for mental illness include diagnosed, but untreated unruptured intracranial aneurysms, especially among younger vs older individuals.
Young people worry about climate change. But the impact on their mental health is more than anxiety about the future.
Trauma can cause mental health issues, and it can be caused *by* them It is well-established in the mental health field that ...
The word delusional or "delulu" is often thrown around in jest. But what does it mean clinically? Here, experts explain.
Unprecedented levels of free time can lead to boredom, anxiety, and the need to distract. Looking our boredom "in the face" can help us understand why we are driven to distraction. Distraction is not ...
Mental or psychological health of service members can be described as the ability to cope effectively with the unique mental ...
Since then, our work, as well as that of other teams, has shown that social cognition impairments mediate the relationship ...
"This type of study is important for getting more details on how social media impacts mental health but that also doesn't mean that there aren't things that parents can be doing right now," she said.
If you think "delulu" is synonymous with the actual delusions of mental illness, think again. Learn how to differentiate this ...