Manoj Bajpayee recalled how filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra once bit his wife Shabana Raza's hand. Manoj Bajpayee's wife, ...
Neha Bajpai, formerly known as Shabana, left acting after 2009 due to industry politics and lack of mentorship, despite ...
Manoj Bajpayee CONFIRMS Vidhu Vinod Chopra bit Shabana Raza’s hand during Kareeb shoot: “She must have thought they are all ...
Manoj Bajpayee shared a weird incident of how once filmmaker, Vidhu Vinod Chopra bit the actors' wife, Shabana Raza's finger.
In a recent interview, acclaimed actor Manoj Bajpayee revealed why his wife, Shabana Raza—popularly known by her stage name ...
Shabana Raza, known professionally as Neha Bajpai, was a prominent actress until she stepped away from films in 2009. However ...
Manoj Bajpayee reveals why Vidhu Vinod Chopra bit his wife Shabana’s hand while shooting Kareeb. It was a her debut film and ...
Manoj Bajpayee recently revealed details about his wife Shabana Raza’s journey in Bollywood, her abrupt disappearance from ...
Manoj Bajpayee's wife Shabana Raza is more popularly known as Neha Bajpai, which is stage name. An actress who made her film ...
Manoj Bajpayee’s wife Shabana Raza, professionally known as Neha Bajpai, was an actress till 2009. She made her debut ...
Manoj Bajpayee also said that wife Shabana Raza never quit Bollywood but she stopped getting work due to internal politics ...