And if you've decided you're more into getting yourself a desktop bargain, we've compiled a list of the best cheap gaming PC deals, too.
Since joining the team in 2016, she’s written about CPUs, Windows, PC building, Chrome, Raspberry Pi, and much more—while also serving as PCWorld’s resident bargain hunter (#slickdeals).
In terms of flexibility in gaming, no other platform can match the PC. The hardware comes with many advantages for those who can overcome the often-daunting price of setting up a computer.
The best PC gaming headsets deliver unparalleled audio quality with beautiful build quality and a suite of features all at a competitive price. Whether you're in the market for something you plug ...
If you’re looking for a cannabidiol (CBD) product to soothe your aches and pains, a topical CBD — such as a CBD cream — may be particularly useful. But how can you tell which CBD creams are ...
Choosing the best PC case for your specific build can be tricky, but nailing the decision is all part of the fun. After all, it's the first thing you'll see when you look at your freshly assembled ...
PC offers by far the most varied gaming library in the industry. While associated with raw graphical power due to the ever-growing capabilities of GPUs and CPUs, major AAA projects that need ...
For most PC gamers, buying a prebuilt gaming rig is far more attractive than it used to be. Years ago it was inarguably cheaper to build your own gaming PC than to buy a boutique gaming rig.
The Lenovo Legion Tower 7i (Gen 8) is the best option for a lot of PC gamers. It starts at a higher price than some of the competition — models start about $2,150 — but it offers Intel Core i9 ...
Also: How to upgrade your 'incompatible' Windows 10 PC to Windows 11 When a Windows version reaches its end-of-support date, the software keeps working, but the update channel grinds to a halt ...
The best Alienware gaming PC builds have offered up out of this world performance for decades, and Dell's rig range still offers up sci-fi vibes today. I've got fond memories of the company's ...
Executive Editor David Carnoy has been a leading member of CNET's Reviews team since 2000. He covers the gamut of gadgets and is a notable reviewer of mobile accessories and portable audio ...