From raging fires to a politician promising to Make America Great Again - Octavia Butler's novels are eerily prophetic.
Here are some key tips that I’ve found to be crucial in building resilience and creating a multifaceted brand.
Across the street, through a series of two-story windows, the destination of my pilgrimage stands in unassuming contrast: ...
Richard Hays, a New Testament scholar and author who challenged conservative Christian opposition to homosexuality by ...
By and large, however, the book keeps a polite distance from gender specifics. Long stretches pass without any mention of men ...
UD landscape architecture students have completed a coastal resilience plan for Milton that addresses the town's ...
Students at St. John's Lutheran School in Mattoon are enjoying their second straight snow day on Tuesday, and their principal ...
I had three filters: screen out what’s inaccurate, impractical, and uninteresting,” Grant wrote of his book recommendations.
If you’ve got a gift card for your local independent bookstore or are planning your requests from the library, we’re here to help.
Knights Pancake Breakfast: The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a pancake/French toast and sausage breakfast in the ...
It has been tempting to view the C.I.A. as omniscient. Yet Coll’s chastening new book about the events leading up to the Iraq War, in 2003, shows just how often the agency was flying blind.
(Unsplash/Massimo Virgilio) There are a lot of components to that answer and they were gathered years ago into an essay for the magazine, Lutheran Women Today. In the essay, one of the most ...