A new laser is helping doctors detect lung cancer earlier than conventional techniques thanks to an innovative blue light. The cutting-edge technology means that the disease can be caught in its ...
Lung cancer is usually first suspected on imaging, an xray or lung ct. To make a certain diagnosis your doctor will need small sample of the mass. Depending on where in the lung it is located it ...
A chest X-ray showed that Ciaccio might have pneumonia ... she underwent a CAT scan that showed a "highly suspicious lesion" on one lung. Ciaccio's primary care physician recommended she see ...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in North Carolina. While smoking is the number one risk factor, many people ...
As technology advances in the fight against cancer, Allegheny Health Network is using a new robotic tool to diagnose lung ...
Several cardiovascular risk factors, such as advanced age and smoking history, are prevalent among lung cancer patients at the time of the diagnosis and increase their risk of future heart disease, ...
Recent research published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine confirms that emphysema was detected in 24% to 31% of patients undergoing lung cancer screening. This means that for millions of Americans, ...
CT imaging of patients entering lung cancer treatment identified a high prevalence of atherosclerosis, according to data ...
Patients beginning lung cancer treatment demonstrated a high prevalence of atherosclerosis, which suggests that they may ...
Many lung cancer patients already have cardiovascular disease when they are diagnosed, which increases their risk of ...