Fake alert! Luxury bags don’t come cheap. If you find a brand-new Louis Vuitton bag for $200, it’s definitely a fake. Even second-hand designer bags maintain high resale values.
you can easily spot the difference between an authentic bag and a fake. So, how do you tell if your dream Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, or Dior bag is the real deal? Luxury brands use high-quality ...
Counterfeit goods valued at P121 million have been seized by agents of the National Bureau of Investigation in separate operations in General Trias and Imus in Cavite, the NBI reported on Wednesday.
Visitors on first post-Covid trip impressed by tech boom but shocked by ‘brainwashed’ schoolchildren in ‘desolate’ port of ...
Explore the psychological factors that lead to counterfeit purchases and discover how brand knowledge can alter perceptions.
That bucked the trend among its rivals, including LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, which reported organic revenues ... I feel like dreaming about it.’ Nobody bought this fake product thinking that it ...
But tourism to North Korea is contentious, especially as travellers have been allowed back before aid workers and most ...
The musician fills us in on his first big fashion purchase, growing up in Guyana, and his new album "Festival Season." ...
It seems that Days of Our Lives is truly bringing in explosive twists and turns on the show, same happened on the February 24 ...
In a time of rising living costs, when celebrities are often lambasted for being out of touch with reality, it seems one A-lister has finally succeeded in relating to the everyman. On Sunday night, Em ...