In time with the beat, columns of fire blasted from a complicated and expensive-looking stage setup as a litany of dance hits ...
What makes an Oscar Best Picture winner? Back in the ’80s and ’90s, it usually meant films which felt epic in scope and often ...
Award-winning author, Professor Paul Crawford who completed his PhD in English Literature at the University of Birmingham ...
This Netflix movie didn't get as much love as it deserved when it was in theaters, but it's well worth checking out on ...
The Lord of the Rings' fellowship was filled with capable but flawed individuals. As a result, everyone from Frodo to Gandalf makes mistakes.
We rounded up the best LOTR merch across different areas of interest, from must-have movie and book sets to collectibles of ...
Video Game realms hold intricate histories, profound lores, and profound characters that would translate amazingly into the ...