It had feathers and wings, so it was clearly a bird — but it sported a long tail and sharp claws, which seemed reptilian. A smattering of other feathery Jurassic fossils, including those known ...
Scientists discovered two Jurassic bird fossils in China, pushing back bird diversification by 20 million years. One, ...
Jurassic bird fossil discovery of a species named Baminornis zhenghensis pushes bird evolution timeline back 20 million years.
NatureSmart: Stan Tekiela encounters the elusive long-tailed weasel in Yellowstone, exploring its rare adaptations, hunting ...
While this species is sometimes described as the first bird, other scientists would describe it as bird-like. Archaeopteryx’s long, bony tail is one of the features that show it comes very early in ...
While Archaeopteryx boasts a long and skinny tail resembling a raptor dinosaur like Velociraptor, Baminornis has the shortened tail of a modern bird - an important aerodynamic innovation that ...