An alligator crossed a road with a wild turtle clamped in its jaws. Visitors spotted the American gator ambling across the highway with the reptile in its mouth at Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee ...
Acoustic tagging technology implanted into loggerhead sea turtles has helped rescuers learn how long the reptiles live after released back into the wild.
Loggerhead Cay on Sanibel celebrated its and the city’s 50th anniversaries from Feb. 2-7 with owners and renters. A dinner ...
Those looking for sun and surf will find it on Tybee Island. ©Tybee Island Marine Science Center The last time I visited ...
Could this year be another record-setting year of turtle nesting season? At least one local expert tells CBS12 News it's possible.
An alligator was spotted walking across a road in Boynton Beach, Florida, USA, with a turtle in its mouth. Video filmed on 10/2/25.