If you’re with a group, have a memorable dinner by organising a boodle fight dinner on the beach: a traditional Filipino group feast where you eat with your hands and food is served on banana leaves.
China defense budget is 1.78 trillion yuan (about $249 billion), which is roughly less than a third of US defense budget of ...
The Philippine defense secretary says his country and its allies would take measures to counter any attempt by China to ...
Officials in the Philippines say that President Trump will not pull back from defense commitments because Manila and ...
Malacañang on Wednesday reaffirmed the government’s focus on enhancing the Philippines' self-reliant defense capabilities.
Now that the Philippines, after missing its deadline, finally managed to get out of the gray list of countries under tighter monitoring by the Financial Action Task Force or FATF, the global dirty ...
Existing defence agreements between allies the Philippines and the United States will stay intact under U.S. President Donald ...
Federal agents are on Guam and Saipan investigating businesses for immigrants working and living in the U.S. illegally, as ...
The move is part of a release of $5.3 billion in previously frozen foreign aid, mostly for security and counternarcotics ...
Community Empowerment Resource Network (Cernet), is calling for an audit of the Department of Justice (DOJ) over ...
What China seems to be saying with its war games near Australia is: If you’re challenging our air space over the South China ...
The list identifies programs that will be funded and the U.S. government office managing them. The vast majority of released ...