Police, the venture capitalists who help fund law enforcement through donations, and the co-founder of Flock Safety, the ...
A new bill advancing in the New Jersey Legislature would create a specialty license plate recognizing women veterans, with ...
Recently passed legislation will now allow for six new military-themed license plates to be available in Pennsylvania. “These ...
A new selection of license plates are now available for veterans in Pennsylvania. The Shapiro administration announced there ...
Military-themed license plates are now available to service members who received medals of honor and their family members, ...
The Shapiro Administration has announced that a new selection of military-themed license plates are available.
An automated license-plate reader manufactured by Atlanta-based Flock Safety ... Boone called the proposed ordinance “an ...
Even though Boy Scout leaders were prepared for the news, they were not able to stave off the fate of their “Scouting Teaches ...
Shapiro Administration announced that new military-themed license plates are now available, three for women veterans and ...
or you can request a refund using an Application for License Plate and Decal Refund form. As of Nov. 31, 2024, the following specialty license plates have been discontinued for failing to maintain ...