HUAWEI Store marchează aniversarea a patru ani de existență pe piaÈ›a românească, sărbătorind acest moment printr-o serie de ...
We take a look at Cooler Master's new 45g Gaming Mouse, their new 60% and low-profile keyboards, and see what they have ...
Munca la birou a fost, până acum câÈ›iva ani, singura variantă posibilă pentru profesioniÈ™tii din zona de business.
These mini LED displays are a more recent addition to the laptop space, though, initially available on the MacBook Pros and a few other premium Windows devices, but now available on a wider range of ...
ASUS launches innovative Fragrance Mouse with built-in essential oil diffuser, combining standard mouse functionality with aromatherapy features.
As The Verge reports, Asus actually announced two fragrance devices at CES 2025: this mouse and the equally scent-producing ...
It’s hard to beat this price tag when it comes to a Lenovo laptop, and even at this price point, the IdeaPad 1 doesn’t hold back on features. It has a 14-inch HD display that’s great for ...
Being one of the best laptop brands out there, it makes sense that HP has a wide selection of laptops and configurations that are worth picking up. In fact, HP makes some of the best gaming ...
Acest mouse complet funcÈ›ional are un compartiment pentru uleiuri aromatice pe partea inferioară, permiÈ›ând utilizatorilor să îl umple cu orice ulei parfumat la alegere. Asus pune accentul pe ...
How about a mouse that works kind of okay as a mouse, while pulling double duty as an okay oil diffuser? Enter the Asus ...
Asus a lansat un nou mouse care vine cu un compartiment de parfum încorporat. Acesta poate fi umplut cu uleiuri esenÈ›iale aromate. Dacă doriÈ›i să schimbaÈ›i parfumul, puteÈ›i doar să spălaÈ›i flaconul È™i ...
In this article, we’re discussing the lightest laptops and ultrabooks currently available in stores. A laptop’s overall weight is one of my main concerns when shopping for a highly portable computer, ...