Animals have been used in scientific research for centuries. Starting in the 20th century, the use of animal models for different pathologies became standa | Health And Medicine ...
Studying a diverse and peculiar genus of mice offers researchers a window into the genetic and neural underpinnings of ...
In a nutshell Even among genetically identical mice, early chance events create lasting differences in success – demonstrating that luck can outweigh innate ability in determining life outcomes.
Monitoring molecular changes in the brain caused by cancer and other neurological pathologies in a non-invasive way is one of ...
Now mice are getting in on the action. Researchers have developed a set of VR goggles for lab mice for use in brain studies, according to a report published recently in the journal Nature Methods.
Now mice are getting in on the action. Researchers have developed a set of VR goggles for lab mice for use in brain studies, according to a report published recently in the journal Nature Methods.
Click now to see all the available groups. A VR headset has been developed for lab mice The mice wear the headset while skittering on a ball-shaped treadmill The headset is meant for use in brain ...