Ken Green’s tipping point came as he watched an angry mob storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Ken Green’s tipping point came as he watched an angry mob storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Simoni says Allen Control Systems makes an "AI-powered machine gun," explaining, "What we're trying to do is change the battlefield economics. Right now, we're shooting down drones — Elon [Musk ...
While the US continues to debate gun ownership, there are lessons to be learned from countries that have already gone down this path. With varying degrees of success, some nations, like Australia ...
Guns on display at the annual Machine Gun Shoot in Monroe, Pennsylvania, on June 3, 2023. Guns on display at the annual Machine Gun Shoot in Monroe, Pennsylvania, on June 3, 2023. Spencer Platt ...