Ben Einstein, a product designer and founder at Bolt, a hardware-based VC, recently got his hands on a Juicero press. This desktop juice press that only works with proprietary pouches filled with ...
So, will Juicero succeed? Or is it just a silly, expensive Silicon Valley toy, like the critics say? I told Doug that if he can get the price down to $200 per machine, I could easily imagine ...
T3 originally published this piece on April 1st, 2016. However, due to a report published by Bloomberg on the Juicero yesterday, we decided to republish it due to its topicality. Also, you know ...
That seems to have been forgotten by most of the customers who were outraged on Wednesday to learn that their pricey juice packs from high-tech juicing machine company Juicero could be squeezed by ...
Juicero promised drinks from fruit and veg pouches ... was revealed that the pouches of fruit and veg which it turned into juice could easily be squeezed by hand. Here are four other tech start ...