Punjab Governor Gulab Chand Kataria visited Gurdwara Sri Fatehgarh Sahib, participating in the three-day Shaheedi Jor Mela to honor the sacrifice of the younger Sahibzadas, sons of the tenth Sikh Guru ...
The Australian dollar fell as low as 62 US cents, its weakest level since October 2022, while the ASX posted one of its biggest falls this year. It occurred after the US Federal Reserve cut ...
Af­ter some de­lay, the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion has ap­proved No­vo Hold­ings’ $16.5 bil­lion ac­qui­si­tion of Catal­ent, a week af­ter the Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion’s ...
Around 4,000 police personnel will be deployed for the Shaheedi Jor Mel, one of Punjab’s largest religious gatherings, in Fatehgarh Sahib. The administration plans to increase the number of shuttle ...
Stepping inside Jor-El Espina’s Atelier Manila urges one not simply to shop, but to rouse the curiosity on the ingenuity of the designer and his skills in manipulating local fabrics. Situated on the ...
Bill Belichick and his gal pal Jordon Hudson are getting into the swing of the holiday season. The former NFL coach, 72, and his girlfriend, 24, attended the Nantucket Christmas Stroll over the ...
PAPUA New Guinea’s economy has done it tough over the last eight years as the hard yards- headwinds, earthquake, pandemic and slow growth took its toll.
PAPUA New Guinea’s economy remains vulnerable due to its heavy reliance on commodity exports and lack of significant business investment despite impressive GDP growth rates in recent years.