MILAN : Italian police have found and frozen nearly one million euros ($1.04 million) that was wired to a foreign bank account by a leading businessman after he fell victim to an artificial ...
Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to ...
Italian Easter Cookies are a tradition in almost every family. In the south of Italy, Calabrese families get together on Good Friday, to make their special version known as Sgute.
That was the message Rita Busin shared with hundreds of women and men Monday at the 29th annual Pink Ribbon Tea and luncheon at Waypoint 4180. The event, sponsored by The Junior League of the ...
Don’t be shocked if you start hearing more calls for Giovanni or Luca at the playground. “Italian names for boys are newly fashionable and rising up the list,” baby naming consultant Pamela ...