Danfoss Power Solutions, a global supplier of mobile and industrial hydraulics and electric powertrain systems, conducted a ...
Unlike Manet, Degas, Renoir and Cassatt, Gustave Caillebotte mostly painted men rather than women — men at work, men in ...
Quantum science is following AI in its march on culture. What does this mean for today’s reality-bending times?
At New York’s Grand Central Station, there’s a line at least 100 deep from Vanderbilt Hall down to the terminal’s 42nd Street ...
With a rich career in the avant-garde and innovative technologies to this day. experimental artist Laurie Anderson asks herself five questions for her practice.
Deval Rajendra Verma is fascinated by discarded industrial scrap. The Indore-based product designer and metal artist has ...
Creativity and Innovation Festival depicts a circuit board of the RIT campus by illustration major Ava Guarino.
While fine art and collectibles have long been considered alternative assets, these economic shifts could pose fresh ...