Jordan Bani-Younes from the Kansas Humane Society introduced Seamus during Thursday’s Pet Project segment.
As the official start of winter gets closer, some animals will be starting to hibernate. In B.C., some hummingbirds go into a state called torpor, which helps them conserve energy during cold snaps.
A colorful toucan is part of the Birds of the World display at the St. Louis Science Center's Inside the Vault exhibit.
Sacramento has a temporary home for injured or orphaned birds, mammals and reptiles. It needs some financial help.
Dahlias grace your garden with a vibrant assortment of colors from late summer to fall. Plant them with these companions to ...
Your garden chores will stack up rapidly as soon as the weather begins warming up. Get a headstart in your flower garden this ...
If you have pets, keep them away from feeders and clean up bird droppings underneath. Don’t let them handle dead birds.
DEAR JOAN: Watching a hummingbird dining at my feeder, I noticed that every time it sipped, it would lift off the feeder for a moment, flap its tiny wings and then land again, take another sip and ...
I have been asked many times how to deal with wildlife that make our backyards their homes. Many people look on deer, ...
Karen Pence, former second lady of the United States and first lady of Indiana, announced Wednesday morning that funds from ...
If you have pets, keep them away from feeders and clean up bird droppings underneath. Don’t let them handle dead birds.
Having been faced with such backyard wildlife problems myself, including deer eating the pansies, possums drinking the ...