How do animal behavior researchers feel about the feelings of animals? A new survey helps to answer that question.
Modernism emerged as a powerful cultural and intellectual movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, reshaping art, literature, and, importantly, philosophy .
Economist Bryan Caplan has held up the United Arab Emirates as an example of how open borders can be successful. Caplan ...
Everything is connected. Our efforts to move and improve generate multiple cascading responses within our bodies that can ...
In uncertain and stressful times, it is especially important to find hope. Faith (in whatever form that takes) may also help.
Why some people cry more than othersMuch of that difference is likely to be the result of societal pressures and gender norms, experts say. Consider the fact that little boys and girls cry about the ...
The human mind occupying a very tiny space in the body controls so much that you do on a daily basis that it is surprising.
Always hovering over your kids trying to wrap them up in cotton wool and protect them from life's challenges? Chances are you ...