One of the greatest risks to the health of beehives and pollinators is varroa mites, but a new invention from BYU students is ...
Don Merrill operates No Bull Beekeeping in Lake County, managing 120 hives and producing various honey types, while also ...
Multiple people were stung by bees in a Surprise neighborhood Monday evening, including one man who had to be hospitalized.
NAIROBI ― Temperature can increase bee colony loss in dry, hot and wet seasons, but a study has found that beekeepers ...
Samantha Gordon says her biggest success has been investing in a hobby that brings her constant joy even though it hasn’t ...
The All India Coordinated Research Project, Department of Entomology, School of Agricultural Sciences conducted series of ...
Mason Bees Are Solitary: Each female lays her own eggs, builds her nest, and gathers food. No hive, no queen ... We sell different types of products and services to both ...
Pruning Flowering Shrubs: 1-2:30 p.m. Learn the basic cuts through a hands-on demonstration of pruning rhododendrons and ...
Earthling Bee Company, which moved to Lowell to have more space, makes 100% pure honey, beeswax, wellness products and collectibles.
In this video, we demonstrate how to collect honey from Australian native bees using a honey super. How to remove a honey super from a native beehive and also how to add a honey super to an existing ...