This scenario is playing out across the US in multiple markets, where homeowners are staying put and refusing to give up ...
The average rate on a 30-year mortgage, while still near 7%, has been easing in recent weeks. And the inventory of homes for sale is up sharply from a year ago, which makes for a more buyer-friendly ...
Home closings could be delayed for many reasons, including HOA complications, money issues, lost documents, inspections, ...
How long it takes to close on a house depends on several factors. Learn how long each step takes and follow these tips for ...
My daughter bought a home for roughly $350,000 then took out two loans for $20,000. I've heard debt consolidation is a bad thing to do, but this might be her best option as she can't make all of the ...
As her rent was skyrocketing, Palm Beach County launched a program offering up to $100,000 in down payment assistance to ...
While typical down payments have increased from a year ago, coming up with the necessary funds is still challenging for most ...
A new survey finds 81% of aspiring homeowners say down payments and closing costs are major obstacles, with Gen Xers and lower earners most affected.
If you're planning on buying a house over the next few months, it's key to prepare for what's likely going to be the largest ...
Can closing costs be rolled into mortgages? In many cases, yes. Learn how this works, the pros and cons, and alternative ways ...
Danny Hughes, 24, has owned a 1950s-era brick home on the outskirts of Pittsburgh for one year. He lives there with his new wife, Katelyn, who graduated from high school in 2021.
Consumers are feeling the squeeze everywhere, including at grocery stores, restaurants, stores and auto dealers. For ...