I am a white, cis, heterosexual, well-educated woman of privilege. That matters for this piece because my social location is the context, while my experiences have formed who I am.
There are moments when symbols connect events across time in ways no one could have predicted. In 2005, many Israelis wore orange to protest the immoral, disastrous Israeli disengagement from Gaza.
This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday, the Sunday before the season of Lent begins. On this day, many churches will tell the story of Jesus on a mountain with three trusted disciples. Suddenly, Jesus ...
The story of David and Goliath is so well known it’s a shorthand for any smaller force taking on a larger one. David and ...
"Avatar" star Stephen Lang discusses his pivotal role of Samuel in the new Prime Video series "House of David." ...
So what do a Methodist laywoman, a Catholic priest, a Baptist pastor, an Episcopalian Bishop and a Jewish servant have in ...
This inaugural printed Hebrew edition of the Prophets, with Kimhi’s scholarly annotations, was produced in 1485 by the esteemed Joshua Solomon ben Israel Nathan Soncino. This edition, which predates ...
Maurice Shohet, president of the World Organization of Jews from Iraq, who fled in 1970, said, “The Iraqi Jewish story is unique. Iraq, home to the burial sites of prophets Ezekiel and Nahum ...
This promise is passed down through generations, echoed by the Jewish prophets, and is central to the very identity of the Jewish people. The significance of this biblical connection extends ...
The letter in which Sir Isaac Newton predicted that the world would end in 2060 remains on display at Jerusalem's Hebrew University. First exhibited to the public in 2007, the letter became widely ...
If these numbers are intended to represent Israel and the nations, then this entire chapter would be seen as a prophecy of the redemptive work of Yeshua to the Jews first, and then equally to the ...
On the west coast Straussian account propagated by the Claremont Institute, the US constitutional system’s founding had complex yet identifiable links to the ideals of premodern classic natural right ...