The Wheel of Time returns with another visually stunning season this month, adding to the list of the best shows on Amazon ...
Aki Ra join­ed Pol Pot's mur­der­ous Khmer Rouge army at the age of nine. Twenty years later he roams the mine­field | dG1fZHRlb1d0WGJuZnM ...
The great philosopher and thinker Lao Tzu lived in the sixth century BCE in China and was a contemporary of Confucius. The ...
If you are old, like I am, you might remember a once-a-year event. That event was when the “Wish Book” would appear in your ...
A humble acknowledgement of mystery can pave the way for generous dialogue between competing perspectives on faith and ...
I mean indulge in something healthy that you enjoy. Indulge in whatever lifts you up. For me, music is heaven on earth.
Prayers in the Land of Israel have a special value in that they bring about Unification in the Upper Worlds. So writes the Holy Shelah: ...
All we hear in the news and on social media sites is how many individuals want a “legacy” to be praised and remembered for in ...
WITH spring around the corner, it’s the perfect time to dust off those winter cobwebs and get fitter. Almost a third of Brits ...
In "AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future," our imagination is based on real-world AI development. And while we proceed from ...