India's badminton star PV Sindhu got engaged to Hyderabad-based tech executive Venkata Datta Sai. The two-time Olympic medallist shared a picture of her engagement with Datta Sai on her social media.
Devotees celebrate Datta Jayanti, especially on Margashirsha Purnima, with fasting, mantras, and rituals to seek his blessings and guidance.
Dattatreya Jayanti, celebrated on December 14, 2024, marks the birth anniversary of Lord Dattatreya, the combined form of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Born to Anusuya and Atri, his birth was a ...
P V Sindhu gets engaged to Venkata Datta Sai In a post on Instagram, Sindhu shared a picture from the ceremony and quoted Khalil Gibran in the caption that read: 'When love beckons to you, follow ...
Sunanda K. Datta-Ray | Trump’s America: Will it hit Indians’ hopes and... The death of a 40-year-old Indian in the icy waters of the English Channel is another reminder that the United States ...
With Paddy Upton's client, Gukesh, proving spectacularly successful, chess prodigies from around the world will be in the market for mental coaches ...