But in fairness to all the other spellers nationwide lining up for their own bees, that'll be the last spelling word in this ...
Brizuela, an eighth grader at Reid Middle School, is advancing to this year's Regional Spelling Bee along with 16 other ...
After being the top finisher in a longtime, well-established regional competition, Daniela Lucia Pappalardo might have felt ...
The three students, ages 11, 12 and 14, beat out 22 other spellers Monday to win spots in the national spelling competition ...
An eighth-grader at Trinity Lutheran School in Clinton Township placed first among 34 contestants in Macomb County.
In the ninth round, an eighth grader from Troy's Larson Middle School spelled “ordanance” to win the county’s spelling crown ...
A Lee’s Summit fifth-grader has secured her chair and will represent the metro area in Washington, D.C., during the National Spelling Bee.