Over 716 900 SASSA beneficiaries have switched to Postbank Black Cards, with distribution sites expanded nationwide ahead of the deadline.
This article uses the category of “Black” in the visible minority variable to establish the counts of the Black populations in Canada and to conduct analysis. The “Black” category includes people who ...
Beneficiaries can visit their nearest Checkers, Shoprite, Pick ‘n Pay, Usave, or Boxer stores to collect their new Postbank ...
Over 716 900 South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) beneficiaries have transitioned to the Postbank Black Cards from ...
SASSA is ramping up efforts to assist beneficiaries switch their cards by extending operating hours on weekdays and weekends.
SASSA and Postbank have appealed to social grant beneficiaries to replace their SASSA Gold Cards with the new Postbank Black ...