The Museum of Ice Cream, which opened in December, is one of three for-profit museums to arrive in Boston over the past year.
His 1992 painting “The Singing Butler” — featuring a couple in evening dress dancing on a storm-swept beach as their butler ...
The former Tuckahoe and Purchase College standout missed the Harlem Globetrotters game at MSG to show his work at the Harlem Fine Arts Show.
Dwayne Martineau’s career as a photographer disappeared overnight due to the pandemic. Focusing on art and music opened up a ...
Hester’s vision was to create a home for Anishnawbe Health Toronto that would integrate Western medicine and Indigenous ...
The 300-unit luxury apartment project is located across from Choctaw Stadium and nearby Globe Life Field, just several ...
Saudi curator and art advisor Harasani says: "Being the first of its kind, Art Week Riyadh is a testament to the remarkable ...
manvi vaid showed me Warli art from a group located in western India. The Warli art is traditionally drawn by women during ...
The exhibit at the MFA showcases more than 100 works by John Wilson, a Roxbury native. Through his drawings, paintings and ...
Modern Métis Woman is a private, non-profit, micro-finance organization dedicated to supporting Indigenous women's education ...
MacNider Art Museum is free and open to the public. Editor's Note: Story text of the Globe Gazette's Robin McClelland and a MacNider Art Museum news release was utilized in this compilation.
On March 15, Birkenhead Market will become a canvas for 10 artists at Wirral's third youth market. The artists will transform the market's shutters from 10am to 4pm, creating large-scale murals and ...