In the world of anime characters, be it heroes or villains, few have achieved the legendary status of Gear 5 Luffy from One Piece. However, even the mightiest can face their match. This article ...
Both forms involve the transmorphing of bodies. Yet this would befuddle the latter in terms of logic. Luffy’s Gear 5 has its charm with a dash of theatrics and the old-school cartoonish flair. Toei’s ...
This Is How Luffy Gets His Next Powerup That’s Way Darker Than Gear 5- What Happens When Luffy Goes Through Ace’s Death Like ...
Gear 2 increases Luffy's speed and strength but drains his energy quickly. Gear 5, Luffy's latest form, grants near invincibility and the ability to manipulate objects. Just like most other Shonen ...
He managed to learn all three forms of advanced Haki, and at the same time, he also awakened his Devil Fruit, tapping into the power of Gear 5. With all his newly awakened powers, Luffy was ...
To achieve this, the Strato V integrates a 960GB solid-state hard drive, and while that means it can only store around ten 4K movies downloaded from the company’s Movie Store at any one time ...
In this episode of Know Your Stuff, executive editor and marathoner Jack Seemer sits down with chief content officer Ben Bowers to discuss a topic dominating the running world: super shoes. During the ...
Many of them use an app called Discord. Although the platform was created nearly a decade ago, many parents still know little about it. News Center 7 Consumer Advisor Clark Howard breaks down how ...