Crystal Rudd, 30,from Fleet, Lincolnshire, who weighed 23 stone at her heaviest, has lost 11 stone and has had a further 11 ...
Joanne Law had saved up around £5,200 for a face, neck and eyelid lift along with a fat graft but ended up looking like ...
A mom of two underwent a facelift after a 100-lb. weight loss left her with “wrinkly” skin — but she's now struggling with ...
A "food addict" who became a secret binge eater aged eight with her parents having to put alarms on kitchen cupboards has ...
Taking a GLP-1 receptor agonist prior to bariatric surgery may not boost long-term weight loss and metabolic benefits, a ...
But a health scare in her late 30s was the push she needed to throw herself into losing weight, and she’s halved her body weight following a gastric sleeve, dieting, and surgery to remove excess ...
A man who once tipped the scales at 60 stone admits he had nightmares that his family would need a forklift to carry him at ...
Joanne Law felt 'wrinkly' after losing seven stone following a successful gastric sleeve surgery ... after the 12-month period. Joanne said: "I'm not rich, I was saving up and gave things up, and I ...
CRYSTAL Rudd became a secret binge eater aged eight with her parents having to put alarms on kitchen cupboards. The now ...
The family of a woman who died from an infection they suspect she got following a sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey have warned ...
At the beginning of her My 600-Lb Life episode, Witte admitted that her life was "miserable" because of reduced mobility and ...