A dog walker using a Gordon Ramsay cardboard cutout to model items on Vinted has said she is thankful to the sharp-tongued ...
“I love how straightforward he is and I love watching Hell’s Kitchen and all his other shows and I found it so funny when he called ... cutout wearing a shirt Credit: Abbie Ford/PA “I ...
“I love how straightforward he is and I love watching Hell’s Kitchen and all his other shows and I found it so funny when he called ... cutout wearing a shirt (Abbie Ford/PA) “I just started ...
Liv = tough = big complainer. Complains if someone tracks in snow: slip-and-trip hazard. Once complained janitor had given her “predatory glance,” demanded that Ed Finer (our boss) reprimand janitor.
N—a feelin’ like Joel Hale Osteen / Funny, he was in a film called ‘AI ... truer words had never been spoken / N–as want to see RIP me on a T-shirt like I’m Hulk Hogan / I appreciate ...