Friday the 13th, of any month ... In the old days, people believed that the soul left the body during a sneeze, and blessing the person prevented any evil spirits from taking over their bodies.
The tradition of eating fish on Fridays dates back to the early days of Christianity. The Catholic Church, in particular, has ...
IT’S Tuesday night and I’m at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at a church in a smart corner of South West London. Out of ...
The sixth place among the largest mosques in the world is the architectural and religious complex of Imam Reza’s mausoleum.
Hong Kong’s largest panda exhibition, PANDA GO! FEST HONG KONG. The exhibition will showcase 2,500 panda sculptures in eight ...
TEHRAN - The Jameh Mosque of Qazvin, also known as the Friday Mosque of Qazvin, stands as one of Iran’s oldest and most ...
Purim, or the Feast of Lots, is a Biblical Jewish festival known for extravagant costumes, the exchanging of gift baskets, ...