Charts indicate when to start seeds indoors, when to direct sow and transplant, and when to cover plants for cold protection.
Swiss chard is an easy vegetable to grow anywhere: a container, in a vegetable garden, or the landscape as an ornamental ...
It may be contrary to your usual habits, but letting some of your biennial veggies bolt in the spring has some benefits. Our ...
Plant two seeds in each 3-inch pot or several seeds 2 inches apart in a long rectangular container. Once the seedlings reach ...
Stefanec recommends growing unique, easy-to-grow heirloom edibles that are also a powerhouse of nutrition. One of her ...
I have been so disappointed with my garlic crop over the past few years. All it has been producing is rust! I want to hang ...
Go to and select the region in which you are located. This will take you to a month-by-month ...
With the aid of a good seed catalog, a little advance preparation can help fend off overwhelm and buyer’s remorse and ...
Want to try your hand with heirloom zinnias, cockscomb, rare peppers, homegrown edamame beans, or new cutting-edge flowers or vegetables not found at local garden centers?
January is the start of a new gardening year, but there is often an illusion that it is a very slow month in the garden. The ...
Before I buy new seeds for my garden, is there some way I can test my seeds from last year to see if they are still good?