Here are some estimates for your trip: Miami to Key Largo: The trip can take 2 1/2 hours. Key Largo to Key West: The trip can take 2 1/2 hours. Miami to Key West: It’s about a four-hour drive from ...
From block parties to outdoor festivals, here are five fun, free things to do in Sarasota and Manatee this weekend, March 6-9. Bring your friends!
A News 6 viewer recently discovered apparent gravestones just beyond his property near Markham Woods Road. Come along as we ...
Dozens of tiny towns, settlements really, that once dotted Palm Beach County have disappeared through the years, buried under ...
FLORIDA PANTHER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, Fla. (AP) — In January, an endangered Florida panther known as UCFP479 became the ...
Squeezed onto the express like silent sardines, adopting a barber and more reader tales of New York City in this week’s ...
Art, athleticism and fashion can be enjoyed this weekend in Lake County along with the Sumter County Fair. Plus a one-tank ...
Stumphouse Tunnel in Walhalla could have changed the Upstate. Since then, it's become the site where Clemson cured blue ...
This college town in Florida isn't just for students. It is also an excellent destination for history buffs, music lovers, and outdoorsy travelers.
This scenic small town in Florida is a stunning lake retreat in a unique part of the state, but it's unusual for a special reason.
I-95 is an interstate highway that runs from Florida to Maine. In 1956, construction began on the Mianus River Bridge, which ...